Application form for Employment/voluntary work/other work at UKIM Khizra Mosque/supplementary school or its subsidiaries.
Khizra Mosque is pleased to announce 2 job opportunities at the centre as per job descriptions attached.
Please download the job description for the Youth Worker by clicking here
Please download the job description for the receptionist by clicking here
Please also send us a covering letter and copy of your CV to
Thank you for applying for this job. The information you are asked to provide will be used to assess your suitability for the position for which you are applying. All information will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Teacher Vacancy
Khizra Mosque & C4ALL are looking to take on qualified teachers to teach small groups of students in the subjects of English, Maths and science from Key stage 1 to GCSE level at Khizra Mosque. If you are interested in delivering some of these sessions please complete form below.
The sessions will take place on Mondays and Saturdays during the month of August and the end of July 2021. These sessions will start from Saturday 24th July 2021 until Saturday 28th August 2021.
Monday sessions will be 11am-1pm.
Saturday sessions will be 2pm-4pm.
Thank you